Arnell, A.P., Belle, E. and Burgess, N.D. 2014. Assessment of Protected Area Connectivity in West Africa. UNEP-WCMC technical report. Annex: Additional figures and tables
Baker D.J. and Willis S.G. 2015. Projected Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity in West African Protected Areas. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Belle E., Stolton S., Dudley N., Hockings M. and Burgess N.D. 2012. Protected Area Management effectiveness: A regional framework and additional METT module for monitoring the effects of climate change. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Carr, J., Hughes, A.F. and Foden, W.B. 2014. A Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of West African Species. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Carr, J. 2015. Recommandations pour le suivi des espèces pour l'aire transfrontalière du Parc National de Sena Oura (Tchad) et du Parc National de Boubba Ndjidda (Cameroun). UNEP-WCMC technical report
Carr, J. 2015. Species monitoring recommendations for the transboundary area of Niumi Saloum National Park (the Gambia) and Delta du Saloum National Park (Senegal). UNEP-WCMC technical report
Carr,J. 2015. Recommandations pour le suivi des espèces pour l'aire transfrontalière de la Réserve des éléphants (Mali) et de la Réserve partielle de faune du Sahel (Burkina Faso). UNEP-WCMC technical report
Carr, J. 2015. Species monitoring recommendations for the transboundary area of Greater Gola Peace Park (Liberia and Sierra Leone). UNEP-WCMC technical report
Carr, J. 2015. Recommandations pour le suivi des espèces pour l'aire transfrontalière du complexe Oti-Kéran-Mandouri (Togo) et du complexe WAP ('W', Arly, Pendjari) (Bénin, Burkina Faso, Niger). UNEP-WCMC technical report
Durham University. 2015. Integrating species distribution models and trait data to inform conservation planning. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Hartley, A., Jones, R. and Janes, T. 2015. Projections of change in ecosystem services under climate change. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Hartley, A., Jones, R. et Janes, T. 2015. Fiche d'information : Changement climatique et services écosystémiques : Tchad. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Hartley, A., Jones, R. and Janes, T. 2015. Climate Change and Ecosystem Services Fact Sheet: The Gambia. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Hartley, A., Jones, R. et Janes, T. 2015. Fiche d'information : Changement climatique et services écosystémiques : Mali. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Hartley, A., Jones, R. and Janes, T. 2015. Climate Change and Ecosystem Services Fact Sheet: Sierra Leone. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Hartley, A., Jones, R. et Janes, T. 2015. Fiche d'information : Changement climatique et services écosystémiques : Togo. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Janes, T., Jones, R. and Hartley, A. 2015. Regional Climate Projections for West Africa. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Jones R., Hartley A., McSweeney C., Mathison C. and Buontempo C. 2012. Deriving high resolution climate data for West Africa for the period 1950-2100. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Masumbuko B. and Somda J. 2014. Analysis of the links between climate change, protected areas and communities in West Africa. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Misrachi M., and Belle E. 2016. Guidelines for protected area managers in the face of climate change in West Africa, Insights from the PARCC project. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Mulongoy, J. 2015. Regional strategy and policy recommendations for the planning and management of protected areas in the face of climate change. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Mulongoy, J. 2015. National strategies and policy recommendations for the planning and management of protected areas in the face of climate change. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Smith R.J. 2015. Analyse des carences et établissement de priorités géographiques pour laconservation au Tchad. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Smith R.J. 2015. Gap Analysis and Spatial Conservation Prioritisation in The Gambia. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Smith R.J. 2015. Analyse des carences et établissement de priorités géographiques pour la conservation au Mali. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Smith R.J. 2015. Gap Analysis and Spatial Conservation Prioritisation in Sierra Leone. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Smith R.J. 2015. Analyse des carences et établissement de priorités géographiques pour la conservation au Togo. UNEP-WCMC technical report
Smith J. 2013. Managing and financing protected areas to adapt to climate change: A rapid review of options. UNEP-WCMC technical report